I have been reading up alot on green poop, as my LO also has the majority of green poops. There is a lot of conflicting advice out there, from "it's totally normal", to "contact you midwife or ped immediately". I believe that the green poop has to do with the the amount of foremilk and hindmilk your baby is getting. If she is only getting foremilk, and not enough hindmilk, you will probably see the green poop. But they also say that if your baby is wetting enough diapers and gaining enough weight, to not worry. However my midwife stresses that i feed for at least 15 minutes on one breast before switching. My problem is getting her to eat past 10 minutes! I have been trying the "block feeds" for the past couple of days, and it seems to be working part time, although i still see some green poop. Im not sure if the reflux meds have anything to do with the BM's. Talk to ur HP. Hope it works out for you!!