Hi - DS is 8.5 months old and I'm ready to start gradually weaning him. He's currently BF and FF and I want to move towards all FF. We have a kind of goofy feeding schedule due to issues with low weight gain (around 4 months), issues with sleeping (around 4 - 6 months), and just how it happened to work out. I think that in addition to weaning, I'll also need to fix his EASY, so I'm not sure what the best way to go about it is. Here's a typical day for us:
BT/S 7 pm
E 3am, nurse (sometimes he'll sleep through, but he's been teething and learning to crawl, so not lately)
S 3:30 - 7:30am
E 7:30am, nurse
E 8:30, fruit puree
E 10:00, 4 oz bottle
S 10:30 - 12
E 12, nurse
E 1pm, oatmeal cereal
E 2:15, 6 oz bottle
S 3 - 4:30pm
E 4:30, nurse
E 5:30, veggie puree
E 6:30, 6 oz bottle
BT/S 7pm
As you can see, he eats a lot. He has absolutely no issues with weight gain now, and most days his naps and night sleep are good. I don't really feel like he's nursing that well anymore, and he's obviously eating a lot of other solids and liquids. So I guess I'm wondering if anyone has advice for how to wean (as in, which feeding to drop first, how long before dropping the next), and also how should I adjust his eating routine to move more towards a more typical EASY (instead of EAEAEASY )? We had such a struggle with naps, and now he's so good, I'm afraid of changing things up too much. I'd appreciate any thoughts or advice!