I think you are right about the solids affecting his reflux, so I just kind of go with the flow. I did try to stop the solids, actually I did for a week or so. He takes them well in the AM so that's what i've been sticking with. My ped is really pushing to start adding more meals. She said it doesnt' need to be a lot but that he really needs to start weaning soon as at 12 months he'll need to be on a good regiman of solids. It's a bit like getting scolded to be honest. I'm not pushing him to eat. If he tells me he's done I don't push it even if he's only had a tablespoon, but I guess I"m hesitant to stop offering all together? As for his AM bottle the only time it seems to affect him is when he wakes at 4am, I try only giving him 2oz but that doesn't really fill him up enough to sleep so it sometimes affects his AM bottle but that's rare. If I wait about 30min before feeding him he tends to eat his whole bottle, or at least 5/6oz of it which i'm happy with.