Hi all, Ive decided to move my DS from hungry baby milk to follow on as Im not satisfied hes getting enough vitamins and minerals from his diet alone.
Without question, the first formulas (whether standard of hungry baby) are enough to meet his needs regardless of any solids intake at this age. There is actually no reason to move to the follow on formulas at all.
At 6 months, he should just be starting solids with only a taste here and there - three meals is far too much. Most at this age are only having a small taste about an hour after their first milk feed of the day with the remainder of all feeds being formula only.
The solids that he is able to consume will not meet his nutritional needs at all - ounce for ounce, formula has far more in terms of nutritional needs - fat, calories, vitamins etc.
The first thing I would do if you are worried is cut solids right down to once per day. This will increase his milk intake. Most babies hover around 30 ozs a day at this age.
Hope this helps - if you have more questions, please ask