My LO is 15 weeks old. Pretty much from about 6 weeks old I have held him to fall asleep. I swaddle him, give him his paci and hold him until he falls asleep, then lay him down. His naps are typically only 30 minutes, which I am trying to extend. Basically, I have started laying him in his crib right before he falls asleep. When he wakes from his naps, I give him his paci and work with him to fall back to sleep...shushing, placing a hand on his chest, ensuring his paci stays in...etc. he spits out his paci a few minutes before falling asleep, once he is calm...if I can't get him to fall back to sleep in his crib, I will hold him but am not ale to out him back down without him waking...I guess my question basically is whether I should be doing this for all naps or start with just one, etc. how soon can I expect to see results? Should I start fading the paci? Basically he has regressed significantly in his nighttime sleep, is not sleeping well during the day which makes for a cranky baby and mommy since I am exhausted...any help would be appreciated.