My DD has become a monster at bedtime. I had issues early on with her and sleep and posted back then in the under 12 months sleep section, got great advice which really helped but over the past few weeks (since Christmas) things have gone from bad to unbearable.
Her routine is 7am wake
7.30am breakfast (cereal or toast)
9.30am snack
11am lunch
11.30 put down for nap but usually not asleep until 12
2pm wakes from nap
2.30pm snack
4.30pm dinner
5.30pm snack (she is like a seagull moving from me to my hubby to our son scavanging off our dinner)
6pm walk in pram
6.30pm bath/quiet time
7pm bottle
Then the fun starts! Most nights its 2 hours before she falls asleep. At nap time she is wrapped in a blanket with her arms out and at nighttime she wears a grobag (because she always escapes the blanket during her nap and I thought she would associate the blanket with a nap and the grobag with a big sleep). When I put her in the cot with her teddy, she is happy to lie there for a while but it always leads to the teddy and her dummy being thrown out of the cot, her standing and shaking the cot, crying and then hysteria. I've tried everything I can think of. If i sing or shhh her, she thinks its funny. If i try to give her a pat on the back or stroke her arm she pushes my hand away, if I try to cradle her she scratches my face or neck, pinches or pushes me away, if i just sit by her cot she laughs and says 'helllloooooo', if i leave the room, she screams blue murder. Once shes asleep, she stays down all night which is great but this going down business is exhausting. My son is 8 & missing one on one time because I'm dealing with his sister. Nothing (except school holidays) has changed in our home routine but she is a very nosey/sociable child, always waving and saying hello to everything and anything.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated