Hi there and hugs - that is rubbish
Your EASY looked pretty reasonable to me though, so I would guess this is teething and/or developmental, probably a combination of both. Teething (esp canines and molars) often gets us an EW here too, as do developmental leaps

the canines are horrible so could well be the problem/part of the problem
I've never tried it, but I know some people have had some success with "dream meds" - giving meds just before EW and then their LO sleeps for longer. Of course, this would only work if teething is the cause. But might be worth a try!
On the other hand, I'm afraid I don't have much advice for getting through the 18 mo regression - it was really tough for us and we just muddled through as best we could, using APOP where necessary (so we could all get sleep) and then re-trained after it was over. L got less sleep for about a month but was fine with it. It seemed there was just too much going on in her mind for her to want to sleep. There is a support thread for the 18 mo regression so you might get some tips there if you haven't already looked.