My 23 month old daugher has been a great sleeper - sleeping through the night starting at 3 months and always putting herself to sleep at night. She recently came down with pneumonia and an ear infection and not surprisingly was having a very difficult time sleeping. She would not sleep by herself in her crib so my husband and I took turns sleeping with her in our guest room. We knew this would create bad habits that we would eventually have to fix but she was sick and not feeling well and needed comfort. Well she has been better now for almost 2 weeks and we have tried everything but she is now waking several times a night and not only crying but screaming. She has gotten better to the point that we can go into her room once and reassure her and she will go back to sleep but last night she was waking up every 2 hours! So she went to bed at 7:30 and was up at 9:30, 11:30, 1:30, 3:30 and then 6am for the day (she typically would go to bed at 7:30 and sleep until 6:30 or 7am without waking up). We also recently moved her into a new bedroom over a month ago - I do not think this is related as she was sleeping in there before the illness but figured I would mention. I am expecting our second child in 5 weeks and am desparate as I was not expecting to be this exhausted BEFORE the baby came! Any suggestions for us?