Hey, he still wont eat more than 1.5oz at a clip so we're still on 4 day bottles and 1 night bottle totally about 27oz. He eats the organic puree's from Plum and Happy Tots, we've branched out past the level 1 to level 2 that have a mix.. i found he got board with the single vegetables and refused to eat them. So we've moved to mixes like for breafast he had blueberry/pear/purple carrot puree, and for lunch spinach/pear/pea puree. I've found I found out that formula has the amount of iron he needs so I'm not that worried about it, but I can see how you are with just BF. You can always talk to your doctor about an iron supplement if you are that worried. But first thing I would do is have the doc do an iron test, just a quick blood work test, may tell you she's just fine. You never know.