I think I remember with Zac the mod at the time on CRC (who was amazing btw) mentioned that they do all their digesting between 4-6 am or something like that to do with the tummy and bowel etc. this is why a lot of sensitive, refluxer, intolerant LOs struggle around that time of morning. Wish I could find that old post of mine
I was worried T was habitually waking YK every 3 hrs but sometimes he does 4 and he does always take a good feed. I never feed to sleep during the day. He hates it then
I have NO idea why he is so awful at BT!!!! Z was fine at BT. He seems to fuss a lot, get wind, gas, then we can't get it up and he cries like all colicky and then he takes age to settle and we have to APOP like mad. I've tried short to long As it makes no difference. I've tried to offer a little bit as a top up, or a full feed making sure he is hungry. I've tried doing it when he's sleepy but he's never sleepy unless he's suddenly OT - he just smiles at me then cries, then smiles through the tears poor thing. I have success feeding and winding before bath. Every time I re try a bottle near BT it backfires. .
How long was Ms A to BT at 3-4 mths? I feel T needs a long one to shut off but insure he's OT by then
Thanks nadia.
glad I'm not alone. I feel I'm doing this so the wrong way.
Elise. Dr wanted me to max out his losec dose first then on we'd we shave another appointment and an intro the Dom. I think he needs it. He's spitting up like 3 hrs after feed, when he's due for another!... That's not normal aye?
Just started probiotics. 1 x a day in his bottle. Currently at lunchtime?
Losec was split 10, 10 6.30am and 4.30pm ish or before that last bottle. But yesterday we changed to 1 full 20mg dose in am.