I have a 5mo DD and Erin has recently been helping me on the night wakings board and identified that I probably needed to tweak our EASY and push the A times. NW aren't terrible and we have some good nights but I think Erin is right in that our EASY needs looking at as we are getting some short naps so here I am.
Our EASY looks something like this (exact times depend on wake up time) and DD is EBF apart from df:
Wake up 07.15
E 07.30
A currently putting in cot at 2hr 15 mark, keeping last 15-30 mins low key
S 09.30 - 10.30 (always sleeps the full hour and wakes babbling)
E 11.00 (milk followed by solids)
A was doing same A time but Erin thought might be too long after short nap so trying 2hr
S 12.30 - 13.45/14.00 (always wakes at 30 or 45 minute mark and needs help to resettle)
E 14.30
S 16.15 - 16.45 (catnap in car or buggy)
E 18.00 (split feed either side of bath, sometimes solids after this feed)
A bath and bedtime routine
E 18.30 (second half of milk feed)
S 19.00
E dreamfeed around 22.00/22.30 (bottle)
E 04.00 (small feed somewhere between 04.00 and 05.00)
My concern is the short naps as DD can be quite grumpy by bedtime and I wonder if they are somehow contributing to the NW (although NW is always around 02.30am).
I follow the same routine for morning and lunchtime naps (close curtains, sleeping bag, wind down lullaby music) and sometimes DD will put herself to sleep and sometimes (usually if OT) she needs a bit of shush pat but generally goes down within 5-10 minutes.
I am aware of the 3-2 transition but don't think she is quite ready yet, probably because she is short napping on the first 2 naps as much as anything!
Any advice appreciated.