hi everyone!
DD is nearly 14.5months. Most nights she has 1 nw, or sometimes 2. This is far far far better than she was some months ago, but I think it's now maybe my fault because I might go to her too soon at her nw (not really waiting until she really does the 'i need you' because she can whinge/grumble coughing for attention cry (kwim) on and off for aaaages before actually needing me, and i just want everyone to get as much sleep as possible) and when i do go to her, we still bf at nw. The times i try not to bf she screams and wriggles and lunges in my arms and then i give in and bf as she screams SO hard.
Anyway, so the nf needs to stop. I don't think it's going to be pretty. Any BTDT advice appreciated, feeling a bit nervous!
The nw aren't at the same time, though we'll sometimes have a run of a similar time for a couple of days, then it changes.
I don't know if it's still ot that never goes away entirely. Our routine atm is
Wu ummm ideally 6-6:30am (but sometimes earlier and infrequently later)
5hr A
Nap (1h15min-2h usually)
A is 5h45-7h (depending on wu and nap length)
Set BT 7pm for stories, in bed 7:10-15pm and asleep within 10-20min.
DD will go to sleep independently without a peep most naps and nights. It's just the nw that persists.
I'm not sure how wiwo will work with her. DD is quite spirited, and i think my presence in the room doesn't help, especially if she isn't getting what she wants (boob). I have spoken to her over the baby monitor once and told DD to go back to sleep and that didn't go down well at all! So i am anticipating a LOT of screaming.
Any advice or a hand to hold greatly appreciated!!