12 month LO has got so overtired on the 2 to 1 that he hasn't been able to take naps now for two days. Nothing will settle him.
So, with some wonderful guidance from one of the BW ladies, I decided to put him down for the night at 5pm - but he was asleep by 4.45.
I am deeply anxious about what will happen overnight and especially in the morning. We really need him to sleep for 13 hours or more. I know this is possible but that there are never any guarantees.
I would very much appreciate hearing positive results from anyone else who has used a super EBT in these circumstances. It will help me sleep tonight.
Also, if you have experiences of SEBT where you had to re-settle an LO who woke early and was ready for the day in the MOTN - how did you do this if your normal APOP or self-settling didn't work?
Thank you, please reply if you can as soon as you can