My 4 month old DS is a 40 minute napper. Has been for months now. The odd time he's gone more than 40 mins, but that's maybe once every 3 weeks. Several weeks ago I gave him a bath before his morning nap and he went for over an hour. This past week I did it again, and he napped for 1.25 hours. Today I gave him a bath before his afternoon nap and he went a glorious 2.25 hours. So it appears that baths help him sleep longer. I normally give him a bath before bed, usually it's every other day though. Any suggestions for other tips that might do the same trick that don't involve baths?
My other question is my son is currently on a 4 hour EASY. Up around 7am, which means nap time is 9am. But in her book, Tracy encourages to put them to bed 20 minutes before nap time, which would be 8:40. My little man will conk out within 5 minutes. Should I be pushing him back closer to 9 so that he gets the full 2 hours of actual awake time?