I have been wondering if maybe he's closer to1 nap than I thought but tbh I'm lost. I find it so hard to tell if he's OT or UT, I really don't know. he went from 3-2 naps at 6 mo but I think I pushed him a little too early. Short naps have always been an issue, I thought it was because I never had him in a hood routine, but now I think OS has been a factor too. The night time waking started around 10 mo and coincided with me doing the school run. I think the NW started before the school run, but perhaps it was due to OS from sources other than the school run, I can't be sure. The days slipping earlier and earlier have been an issue since I stopped apoping a month ago when he was 10 mo.
I haven't tried meds. The teeth under the gum look like they won't break through for at least another 4-6 weeks. The last few times he's only suffered disturbed sleep in the 2-3 weeks before the teeth broke through. And then the sleep disturbance started early in the evening, soon after he went to sleep, which I'm not getting at the moment. My issue with meds is that calpol is a sedative...so if I give it, he'll sleep better. It doesn't necessarily mean that he was in pain without it, it could simply be due to the sedative effect. Then what happens? I end up potentially dosing him up for several weeks before he even starts teething, then of course he'll need it when he's really teething, so it could go on for a month or more...I'm not a fan of medication unless it's absolutely warranted, and right now, I'm not convinced. I could try homeopathy for a few days, id have no objection there.