Feeling very down now. It seems like every time I get one thing sorted another problem arrives.
DS wouldn't extend for DH yesterday. So we had...
7.00 wake
11.30 - 12.05 nap
wasn't sure what time to put him down so I tried for 2h30 but he played in the cot and did a poo so we ended up with
3.05-3.50 APOPed nap
8.10 bed time. he surfaced in the night and I was so fast asleep I'm not sure if he was just restless or if he was actually lying there awake and quietly a couple of times during the night (we put the AC on last night for the first time in a few months, so it may have also disturbed him, but we just can't cope without it anymore). then he woke at 5.00am, I took him straight out and put him on the boob and usually this would keep him asleep or have him back asleep in 10 mins, but no, he stayed awake for another hour through the feed and then I had to walk him back to sleep from 6-7am.
7.30 wake (I thought I'd better try and keep him asleep for a while seeing as he'd had so little sleep overnight)
11.30 - 12.10 nap extended to 12.55
5.40 bedtime. (I was aiming for 5.30 but he didn't take a proper feed and then took longer than normal to fall asleep. He woke at 6.10 and started crying, wouldn't settle after 10 mins and the crying was escalating, so I took him out and fed him. He was happy and lay completely still when I put him back in the cot. I waited 10 mins and he didn't move. I got up to leave and he started crying, bawling, I couldn't take it so I had to send DH in, which is bad news as DS isn't used to him and takes ages to fall asleep when I'm not there. He's still crying 45 mins later.
I feel like the nap that DH couldn't extend was a major factor in the disruption in the last two days, and I want to try and avoid going through this again. Can you help? I have to do the school run again for at least a week, which means leaving DS with DH to extend the nap. I don't want to cop out by just opting for 2 naps each day this week, because really it would be great if DH could handle naps without me finally, so that I can actually leave the house (I've been avoiding leaving the house for months now in order not to disrupt naps), so this is the ideal opportunity to make it happen. I just don't want it to create a complete nightmare for us in the process. So ideally I want 7.00 wake up and 11.30 nap to see if he'll do that 1h40 nap again or at least extend. But if he won't extend past 12.15, what time should I fit in a second nap and for how long?