That link isn't about colic, it's about reflux which isn't the same - have a look anyway if you haven't and see if anything rings a bell
If she was on a 3 hour routine it would be a 6oz bottle at (for example) 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm then a dreamfeed and probably a night feed. Not all 14 week old take that much, some will take a bit more some less. A very general guide is 2-2.5oz per lb of body weight in 24 hours.
Definitly try a faster teat, that should help. A bottle feed should be done with in about 20 mins, so if you have got into a snacking habit you need to start in the morning and get as much of the first feed into her as you can in the 20 mins. Then you get her to go as long as possible on that feed by distracting etc until you get to as close to 3 hours as you can. Then you feed and she should take more. If you got her to 2.5 hours the next feed need to wait for at least 2.5 hours - if you can 15 mins or so longer. If you managed 2 hrs 45 then next feed then should be that time plus a bit more.
You are aiming to space feeds 4 hours apart, so if she wakes at 7 you will feed her at 7am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm (bedtime). Wake times will vary so it depends on your LO's wake up time.