Author Topic: 5 week old wide awake after 7pm feed - is he still hungry?  (Read 1031 times)

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5 week old wide awake after 7pm feed - is he still hungry?
« on: February 07, 2013, 11:18:07 am »
Hi, I usually feed my LO just before I put him in his cot for his night feed, around 7pm. Up until yesterday, he always fell asleep at my breast or was at least drowsy after his feed, and I will have no problem getting him asleep in his cot for a good few hours. However, tonight it was diff. He's spent longer on my breast, he completely drained it and then I switched to the other side. With the other side, he nursed for maybe 10 min, and then kept pulling off my breast. I kept reoffering, he would suck each time, but pulled off after a min, so I concluded that he's had enough. But then he still kept rooting and opened his mouth and was wide awake when I burped him. This is a first time. He was not fussing though so I put him in his cot. Now 4 hours after he woke up from his nap, and 1.5hr after he finished his feed, he is still completely wide awake. Is he still hungry? I have heated up some expressed breastmilk and I am not sure whether I should offer him. He didn't gain as much weight as he used to this week so I am a bit worried that he's not getting enough. Thank you!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 11:21:04 am by hsc »

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Re: 5 week old wide awake after 7pm feed - is he still hungry?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 21:24:45 pm »
It is certainly worth a try at offering the expressed milk just bear in mind LOs will take some milk from a bottle just because it is easy even though they are full.
Is there any reason you may have suddenly lower supply? Have your cycles returned? Are you taking any cold or other medications? Have you been sick?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 19:21:45 pm by *Ali* »
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Re: 5 week old wide awake after 7pm feed - is he still hungry?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 19:15:49 pm »
Weight gain does often fluctuate in BF babies, so don't worry too much if there is a slightly smaller gain.

I always found that my LOs were more fussy around the time of growth spurts. 
*** Amanda ***