I've just starting weaning my DD on purées as she's 5 months old and she's just started going through the night without a feed as well. I'm hoping to express some of the spare milk first thing in the morning and freeze it then use it for making porridge / baby rice or using it in cooking for her. A she's only having really small portions at the minute io want to freeze it in small portions and then bag it later and was wondering if I can freeze it in a silicone ice cube tray like I do with her purées and then put the cubes into a freezer bag to save space. I would obviously be very careful about use by dates so I didn't end up giving her milk that had been frozen for months and months.
I know you can buy breast milk bags but the baby rice I tried making this morning only wanted 15ml of milk which is about 1 of my ice cubes so I feel I would end up using a lot of bags and wasting them. If I could freeze them all as really small portions and then bag them it'd be much easier. Would this be ok or is there some risk of germs and bugs and whatnot making her poorly.
Sorry if this sounds like a really stupid question. Just want to be safe.