With the eggy bread/french toast...after you cook it in the pan, you can then try popping it into the toaster or toaster oven to make it crispier and more lke the much loved toast that she is used to. I use really hearty wheat bread with 4 grams of fiber per slice....I can get one slice to soak up almost the whole egg. I toss in a dash of vanilla and cinnamon too.
Have you ever tried a baby-safe feeder? I know she is a year old, and they are aimed at younger los.....but I am wondering if she'd fancy that....she can suck all the juice out of fruits, but not have to deal as much with the texture. If she likes it, then take the top off, and let her figure out how to get the pieces out all on her own.
http://www.babysafefeeder.com/Always look at what she WIL eat, and try to expand along similar lines. Toast is similar to waffles, kwim? If she likes pasta, maybe ravioli or tortellini would go over well?
And no matter what, just keep offering, offering, offering. Just seeing it is good for her. Just touching it is good for her. A child wil never eat what they won't touch....so any experimentation is a step in the right direction!