Day 2 in EASY:
My 12 week old wakes up at around 4am. Before starting EASYi just gave him the paci, picked him up, rocked him until he fell asleep but he would wake up on and off until 7am then I would give him his first bottle.
Day 2 into EASY I tried the shush/pat - but he didn't stop crying. Tried the paci and he took it but would spit it out - this happened on and off for about 20 min. I finally gave him a 6oz bottle of which he completely finished it in 10mins. So I guess he was waking up hungry?
Should I continue to feed him at 4 when he wakes up and then start Hus routine at his usual 7am waketime?
Do you consider the 4am feeding part of that day's total milk ounces or the previous day? Is the 4am feed considers a night feed?
Thanks for any replies. I'm open to any suggestions as well. My LO is on a 3hr routine and takes 5-6oz each time.