Author Topic: refusing bottle with milk - only takes water or juice  (Read 1760 times)

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Offline gisdude

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refusing bottle with milk - only takes water or juice
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:39:36 am »
Hey all,
My 13 month old is pretty small (16lbs) and is being pretty stubborn about getting on the bottle and winding down the nursing. The ped has said repeatedly to give her high calorie stuff (butter/cream cheese/whatever) will help to get her to put on some pounds. I can give her a bottle with water/apple juice no problem. If the bottle contains milk/pedialyte/goat's milk/formula she absolutely refuses to drink it. Very frustrating!  >:( The objective is twofold, get on the bottle and gain some pounds. She is very much into nursing (good) and (until about 2 weeks ago) would nurse every 3-4 hours (not good for mommy or myself).

I'm trying to see what other options are out there. I thought she might have reflux, but her sleeping seems to be improving (however she still prefers to be elevated on the pillow).

Any tips/suggestions out there. The weight issue is what 's really concerning me, but also she does need to transition from nursing.

Many thanks,


Offline Reethepea

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Re: refusing bottle with milk - only takes water or juice
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 13:41:21 pm »
Hi, I don't know if you have tried but my lo takes all liquids better in a cup than a bottle. She is 9 months old. Currently she is using a sippy cup but will sip from a plastic cup like we would. Some breastfed babies never take to the bottle and prefer a cup.

You can by something called a doidy cup. It's worth a try.
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Re: refusing bottle with milk - only takes water or juice
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 05:12:57 am »
Agree hun.. I wouldn't introduce a bottle at all at this age... go to a sippy cup instead.  Many BF bubs do well with a straw cup.

Offline Lemonthyme

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Re: refusing bottle with milk - only takes water or juice
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 11:14:35 am »
Yep, it's recommended to never have juice in a bottle and also to move to a cup by a year so miss out the bottle stage completely.

My son used to accept the occasional bottle feed when he was a little baby but from the age of about 6 months he would flat refuse a bottle.
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