How often can it be said that every baby is different?....For example, my DD has a big nap in the morning and then a shorter second one(sometimes only 45 min-1hr). I stressed about that for a while thinking that her routine should be "by the book" and she should have 2 perfect 1 1/2 - 2hr naps and sleep great at night. That was not the case. I realized that she was only giving me a certain amount of daytime sleep and the more I tried to push the more stressed I got. I finally chalked it up to "she doesn't require as much sleep during the day and we make up for it at night. Some lo's need more sleep during the day and some at night, that's where "you know her best" comes in. You can see her face to face and ultimately you know what's best for her/your family.
Has she learned any new "tricks" lately?...rolling, talking more, etc. When my lo started doing stuff like that it seemed that she was a new baby every day!! Her brain is really going through a lot not with all that she is capable of and it has effected her naps severely. When she started doing that stuff is when her naps went downhill..... Sorry I don't have a "cure all" but I just have my experience because it was just so recent that we went through this. I feel like I know her better because we've gone through these rough patches and it helps me be optimistic about coming events. This WILL get better, but we're here for each other when things get fuzzy.
Baby brain....don't I know. Keep the faith. And keep us posted...hope there's good results with your updates!!