Yes she has been sleeping through the night since she was 8 weeks. She is getting less daytime sleep with the one nap, she used to have 2 naps of 2 hours each, now she is having one nap of 1.5 hours or sometimes 2 hours.
I will try and move her nap today and see if she will nap longer. I think I've rushed the moving from 2 naps to one, just like the baby whisperer book says it has came back and bit me on the bum because she was dealing with ok at first but now everything has stopped working.
She goes down for her nap no problem but resists at BT, I have been reading her all wrong, I feel awful because she must be so OT and I have mistook it for UT and gave her less sleep.

I think she has been teething on and off as well, she has her fingers in her mouth a lot especially at the side, she does have 8 teeth and some have came in no problem and others have given her a lot of pain, runny nose and sore bottom.
I have got up early this morning to prepare for the day ahead, hopefully she won't have an EW and I can extend her time before her nap. If she does EW I will give her a cat nap this morning and then try for a longer nap in the afternoon.
You ladies are a huge help, you really do help with your advise, I have read The Baby Whisperer books, watched the shows and read the forums but you really do help us stressed out mums see where we need to be, it's like someone takes your hand and guides you through.
Thanks again for your reply x