DD is 8 weeks and 23 days old. I dropped the dream feed about 1.5 weeks ago as she was only takin
Ng four ozs anyways. All was good until the last three nights. Last night she was up every40. Mins then it turned to 20 min and then 5 min. I am so exhausted so at about 1 am I decided to give her some motrin ( I thought it might be teeth) and a bottle- she drank 5 ozs. She then slept until 5:55.
Here is my EASY do u think it is too much sleep during day, OT, hunger or pain
9:30to 11. (sleep)
2:30 or 2:45 to 4
Sleep at 7:30.
She has 4 eight oz bottles a day, 1 scoop of oatmeal with a third of a jar of fruit, same thing but with rice cereal and a meat veggie mixture for lunch.
So confused and tired as I am back to work