We are actually struggling with naps too. I just can't seem to get a grip. everytime I think it's easy brezzi we get nice 5 or 5:30am wake ups.
DD's routine yesterday was wake7:00am (after waking at 5am, 5:30am and 6:00am and me getting her back to sleep), nap 12:15 - 2:20, bed 7:30. Woke this morning at 5:00, and again before 6 (DH was helping her get back to sleep) and then at 6am when she woke I brought her into bed (never done this before) and she slept with me until 7am. nap at 12:15 - 1:20
and bed at 7:30. EBT will only produce a very early morning and with a 7:30 bedtime I have more of a chance she'll sleep until 6am. I'm so done with the early wakings that require help to get back to sleep!!! 50% of the time she won't go back to sleep or she'll wake every 10min and this is way more exhausting than just getting up for the day.
So should I be increasing A times or decreasing them? I did try to reduce A time before her nap but his only gets us a 45min nap (only tired it 1 day as I was not a fan of the 45min nap! she wouldn't go back to sleep for anything) and quite the struggle to get her sleepy for her nap. I'm inclined to think it's not enough A time but atm I'm really not sure of anything.
or are the 5/5:30am wake ups habitual? they don't happen every single morning but they sure happen more often than not. They have been happening for at least 3 months now, maybe longer. She has had spurts where she has woken after 7am but this is usually connected with teething as she seems to sleep longer at these times. And I always think I can get back on track in connection with them but not so much. I keep thinking I can figure it out but it's a no go!