Author Topic: In a lunch rut  (Read 5134 times)

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Offline Lindsay27

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In a lunch rut
« on: April 21, 2013, 13:58:11 pm »
DS is a pretty good eater and does well with breakfast and usually eats whatever DH and I eat for dinner.

We are in a lunch rut however, I think he is getting bored (as am I).

What are your LO's lunch fav's?

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Re: In a lunch rut
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 14:10:34 pm »
At that age, my dd loved grilled cheese sandwiches, blueberry pancakes,  quiches, leftover dinner (pasta, veggies, bits of chicken or turkey or meatloaf), homemade chicken/veggie soup, fruit and yogurt. 

Offline Canadian_Mom

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Re: In a lunch rut
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 00:28:24 am »
I ditto the soup!  For lunch time I tried (and still try at 3.5 years old) to make more of an effort for veggies for DS1.  When he was close to a year old I would make soup (a chicken veggie soup was the best) and freeze small portions in his little kid bowls.  Take out the day before to defrost, then warm up for lunch!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: In a lunch rut
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2013, 01:04:28 am »
My only issue with soup is that he really doesn't like to be spoon fed anymore, and he's still to young to feed himself with a spoon (though we've been expiramenting with self feeding yogurt because it sticks to the spoon pretty well).

He used to really like things like pasta and grilled cheesen but not so much anymore. He loves blueberry pancakes, but I normally reserve those for breakfast, but sometimes use them for lunch.  He used to eat meatballs, but won't eat that anymore either. 

It's a guessing game every day trying to find him something he'll take.  He was always such a good eater until now, but I'm not sure if it's boredom.

Offline Canadian_Mom

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Re: In a lunch rut
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 01:32:14 am »
Once DS1 got into total spoon refusal stage I would make it less liquidy so it was cooked veggies, but with more flavour and I would load a baby fork (pierce one or a few pieces depending on size) and then he could still feed himself but with mommy help in the background.

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Re: In a lunch rut
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 12:01:21 pm »
There are some really wholesome and hearty muffin recipes too....we make a banana/flax muffin with whole wheat flour that dd has eaten since she was a year old.  There are apple/pumpkin recipes, some with sweet potato in them, etc.  And when you bake them yourself, you can regulate the sugar.  I would often give dd half a muffin, in chunks, some pieces of fruit, and a yogurt for a yummy lunch!