I have started sleep training one week ago when his reflux is well controlled. He has never been a good sleeper before but with a combination of tummy rubbing and pupd, he has managed to do 8-9 .5 hours sleep at night, he is able to settle himself back to sleep around 12pm to 1amand with 30 min pupd, habitual wk at 3:30 am is gone. Instead, he wakes up around 4:30am for three days. The first day, i bf him and he was asleep till 7am.day two, i resettled him with a few seconds of cuddlr and some water. day three wk at 5:30, bf him but wk one min after put down, then hard to settle to sleep in bed untill 6.Yesterdau, wk at 4:30 am again and gave him some water was in bed calmly but start ccrying as if hard to be asleep deeply.cried for one hour with minimal cuddle asleep at 5:30 and stayed asleep till 7:20 when I open curtains. Will post routine later. Thx