Thanks girls
Shivi, my little sis can remember being weaned off the dummy too!! (She was 3yo she thinks, she does have a ridiculous memory!!)
Lolly I wish DH would do it without me Lol!!
She is still in a cot (which she doesn't climb into and I don't want to encourage!!) so I can't really send her up there to have a quick such on it.
Claire that is a good idea, dd2 is so, so comforted by actually sucking it, and v adept at finding them in the night, it's not like she only uses them just to fall asleep
I feel unbelievably guilty about doing this!! It's like, I introduced this thing to her, she adores it, and now I want to take it away!! However I do feel a lot better about her having it just at night (or if she goes for a nap) so I don't feel quite so anxious about weaning it at night.
Today she had a bit of a meltdown and really wanted it, about 4.30pm so it was prime time for her in terms of tiredness/irritability! But I didn't cave