Author Topic: Kind of funny but I need advice...  (Read 1917 times)

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Offline BabyKain12

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Kind of funny but I need advice...
« on: May 03, 2013, 14:18:38 pm »
Sooo my DS is 6mo. He's been eating solids since 4mo. When he was trying to steal everything DH and I were eating. So he always eats dinner at the table with us, sometimes lunch depending on where his nap falls, but he doesn't usually eat breakfast with me because he has his milk when he wakes, and if I eat a snack it's just me. The problem is that everytime I eat without him he yells at me. Lol. I try sneaking it by him but its like he's got eagle eyes when it comes to food. He also yells at me when we eat together if I'm not shoveling food in his mouth at a pace fit for a competition eater and cant get a bite in for meself. I'm sure he's not too hungry at meals because his schedule sits where he BF's upon waking from every sleep, 2hr A time, then solids before nap. So he's basically getting something every 2 hrs. It just makes me feel bad but I can feed him constantly! Lol. I mean he will be perfectly happy then as soon as he sees food he yells, makes MMMM sounds, opens his mouth...

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2013, 15:06:11 pm »
It must be a boy

My friends ds does the samething!

Loves,loves,loves his food. I feed him dinner once and boy did he get mad at me if I wasn't fast enough with the spoon. And if you try to eat anything and not give him a taste he really yells!

They make it sound like they are one calorie away from

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2013, 16:11:31 pm »
Absolutely! It makes me feel guilty sometimes lol. I even try making family meals that he can share to see if that helps but he wants it all! And wants me to have none. Daddy and I usually end up taking turns halfway through the meal so I can eat peacefully! It's cute but I'm hungry too! Lol


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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2013, 16:19:48 pm »
Sorry but this thread made me laugh!
" pace fit for a competition eater", "one calorie away form starving".

No advice but good luck finding answers!

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 19:32:52 pm »
I'm really having a giggle at this  :D

My DS was the same.  I was absolutely sure I would wait until he was the full 6 months but at 5.5 months I could n't take it any more. I was litteraly losing weight because I could never eat.  He could have just had his FILL of milk (I'd feed him first to make sure he wasn't hungry) and then bring my lunch in and he would SCREAM like I had not fed him in months.  When I did start giving him solids he ate like he had been starved for the first 5 months of his life.

My advice:
- never eat a snack or meal that he cannot eat. It just isn't worth the screaming.  If you need a fix of junk food or take out food save it for nap time or after BT - the screaming reduces with this method.
- every time you eat give him some food.  You might be able to get away with an alternative (eg toast and butter whilst you have toast and jam) but chances are you won't, he'll spot the difference.  So alter your shopping and cooking accordingly.  Stop cooking with salt, honey, sugar, whole nuts etc.  Chop veggies into batons to steam or wedges to oven bake which are easily picked up as finger food.  If you make curry or chilli spit the serving for LO to have the 'same' then add extra spice to the adult version for you and DH.  These are just examples, maybe you already have altered your cooking for LO.
- make a few batches of fruit or veggie pancakes, mini muffins, lentil burgers and shove them in the freezer for standby food.  Pancakes defrost in just a few hours and are great for taking out and about for meal for snacks for example.
- When you eat as a family serve LO the same and let him pick it up and eat it himself whether it is chunks of food or a pile or mash which he grabs by the fist full.  Finger foods are advised to be introduced at 6 months even with traditional puree weaning.  This way you get to eat at the same time.
- be prepared to wash down baby, high chair, table and floor after each meal.  it is worth it, I promise.  The fun you will have watching him far outweighs the mess he'll make.

And yes, I felt like I was constantly feeding DS at 6 months.  It wasn't a case of starting one meal per day here, by day 2 or 3 we were on 3 meals I think and a couple of months later snacks too.  It does feel a bit crazy to be feeding every 2hrs when they have been able to go 4 hrs between milk feeds before, but it will settle down. I don't mean he will eat less (although he's bound to get a fussy stage at some point) but the whole routine will settle and not be quite so demanding on you.

hope something here helps.

Offline BabyKain12

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 22:16:57 pm »
It may help to do finger foods we haven't started those yet but he has a mesh feeder that he loved the first day then it was like he forgot how to use it and we went back to yelling. His 6mo check is Monday so I'm going to ask him if he's ready. He'll probably approve because he approved solids at 4 mo. So well see if that helps. When DH was a kid he would only eat off his moms plate even if they had the same thing and she would just eat his when he was done lol so hopefully DS isn't the same!

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 22:24:56 pm »
I see no harm with a bit of stuff off mum's plate.  it makes logical sense that if mum is eating it then it isn't poison.  Having central serving dishes can help, but I always set DS's in a separate serving dish as I leave it to cool before I put the adult food out in an attempt to keep the rest hotter.  When mine has the 'it might be poison' phases (which happened a couple of times, when they develop in other areas it's liek they realise there could be dangers or they re-question things they previously accepted) I would take a piece off HIS plate, bite it, do an mmm, and say 'it's ok, no poison today' and 99% of the time he would immediately gobble up the rest.

People who follow BLW start straight off with finger foods at 6 months, no purees, it doesn't increase the risk of choking at all and is lots of fun.  I'm sure your LO will enjoy it.  And get the video camera out because there will be some golden moments!

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Re: Kind of funny but I need advice...
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2013, 06:38:09 am »
You can start finger foods at 6 months.  I never bothered with the mesh feeders.  I found though that my son would some days happily feed himself at 6 months old and on others he was too hungry and would get frustrated with himself because he couldn't get the food to his mouth quickly enough (which is why BLW didn't work for us).  I have to admit I didn't and still don't eat in front of him unless I want him to have some.  I guess it wouldn't be a polite thing to do to an adult either.  If you were tucking into a chocolate biscuit, didn't offer and refused if the other person asked!  Sometimes we forget that babies are little people!

How I did it was to have breakfast with him, have lunch with him and then have tea after he was in bed and we still do this most days because I prefer to eat at around 7 than around 5.  As his bedtime goes back we might settle on a midpoint for tea.

I don't think it did me any harm cutting back on snacks and food that I didn't want my son to eat anyway and as other people have said, there's always nap times and after he's in bed.  It cut down the amount of chocolate and crisps in our house and we now eat reasonably sensible cereals not Curiously Cinnamon and Cocoa Pops like before I had him!  (Yes really!  We were such kids.)  That said, I am 5'8" and I now weigh a stable 9 stone 13 and I was about 12 stone 10 before pregnancy so it's had a good knock on effect!!!
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families