Jumping in b/c my 2 year old, though he loves fruit...has been quite picky lately. How verbal is your LO? I only ask b/c mine is able to tell me that his bananas look "yucky" if they have ANY brown spots or irregularities. He HATES eating fruit that is "broken" so it must be a WHOLE banana. He also has to peel it himself or he gets upset. He is in the asserting his independence mode BIG TIME.....so will also change his mind a TON and decide he wants something else after he has asked for one thing, gotten it open, and taken a bite. Food is a huge area where he can control things: his intake, his choices...so it's a tough phase/age.
Here are some things that bug my DS that may spark thoughts for you:
*He hates chewing the apple skins, even though he has when younger. I now peel them and offer apples cut as much as possible. Sprinkled with cinnamon is a novelty.
*Pears are better as he can bite and chew the skin so feels like a big boy when eating them whole.
*He has always loved berries so those are an easy one to add to pancakes, smoothies or just eat by the handful!
*He will copy almost anything his sister does so I often have her model or be the first one served b/c then he wants to eat what she has.
Good role models and all that!
*He is in the "mine" phase as well, so anyone taking what is "his" is a no no. So daddy or his sister will often be willing to eat what he doesn't want....then suddenly it is much more appealing as he doesn't want to give up what is "his" to anyone else....some more food has gone down as a result.
*He's taken a TON of exposures to finally eat some things that he has turned up his nose to, spit out and refused in the past. It took months and tons of tries for him to chew and actually swallow cherry/grape tomatoes which he decided the other night for dinner he liked finally.
*Ice pops! You can puree and freeze fruit with or without yogurt and my kids love it just b/c it's frozen.
*Muffins! Another way to add in extras for my kids and they seem to like them.
*Fruit preserves/jellies. If you make them extra smooth and add to yogurt or use with PB on sandwiches....or to top bagels with cream cheese...it's exposing to fruit flavor even if a bit less "real" or "nutritious" but it may bridge back over to those fruits.
Anyway, just thought I'd share some of that b/c right now my DS is tough with eating. He "doesn't like" a lot of things b/c he is holding out for preferences or changing his mind and I am sure he'll come back around soon enough. It's just his way of asserting himself and being independent right now. Maybe your LO is doing something similar??