My LO has just turned 7 months this week. For the past 2 weeks, she has not been interested in her solids and taking smaller amounts of milk at each feeding. At the moment this is our EASY:
WU: anywhere from 5.30-6.30am (alway stay in cot till 6.15-6.30am)
E: 7am milk, solids at 8-8.30am
S: 9.30/10-11.30am
E: 11.30am milk (will drink some), solids at 12.30-1pm
S: 2.30-3.30/4pm
E: 4pm milk (always takes a full feed) 5.30pm dinner (not interested)
BT: 6.45-7pm milk (only taking 1/2 feed)
Should i drop down to 3 feeds? if so when should they be. Iam just worried to drop on as she is off her solids, I can't even get 4-5 spoonfuls if Iam lucky. She started solids at 4 months
Any suggestions??