Author Topic: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?  (Read 3422 times)

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Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« on: May 08, 2013, 22:21:17 pm »
I had a hunch our LO would love solids and indeed she does.  She is almost 6 mo and we just started her on solids.  I know many sources say to start with 1-2 tsp of solids but should I stop there?  Today she just kept wanting more so I gave it to her (it was carrots).  She didn't have a great next BF and I wonder if that's why.  Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this out there.  I wasn't sure if its dangerous to be giving her more than we "should".  She started solids five days ago (today was the first day I gave her more than 2 tsp at a feed).

Just curious!  This is a whole new world!

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 22:49:50 pm »
I always let my baby lead on when he was full, there is no harm in giving as much as your LO wants so long as you keep a few things in mind:
- if milk intake drops rapidly or by too much you may need to cut back on solids a little to encourage good milk intake as this is baby's primary food until 1yo
- some foods can lead to constipation or diarrhoea if they are taken in larger amounts, for example carrots firm my LO up so I wouldn't want him to have too many without also having a prune to balance it all out (the laxative food thread is a handy read)
- not feeding too close to BT as gas or digestion can cause sleep disruptions esp with larger meals if they don't have enough time to move around and get the gas out before sleep time

Hmm, that's prob all.  many people do not limit the solids amount the way you describe and many also don't limit to only one food type for several days before trialling the next.  Unless your LO has allergies or they run in the family and so long as LO is 6 months+ you probably don't need to trial each food for 3 days before introducing the next one. People following the baby lead weaning route go straight to family meals at 6 months, no purees, and very few limitations on foods offered.  At 6 months you may want to try out some finger foods, it sounds like your LO will enjoy the experience.


Offline amg11881

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 01:28:01 am »
This is really helpful, thanks!  One more question...I feel like I read that some people slowly start into solids (so, just doing solids at breakfast for a couple of weeks, then breakfast and lunch for a couple of weeks, and then breakfast, lunch, and dinner).  We are already doing breakfast and lunch after five days...think this ok?  Good point about the finger foods...I think you're right, my DD will probably love it!  Any advice on what to try first?

Thanks a million!

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 07:09:14 am »
I think it really depends on how LO takes to solids. Some are happy to have one small solids meal for quite some time before another is introduced, some are happy to sit in their high chair and just play with a piece of food whilst the rest of the family eats their dinner (being at the family table is really helpful in promoting good meal time habits, the social aspect, watching mummy eat different foods, use cutlery etc it also introduces LO to the regular sorts of foods that YOUR family eats so that there is hopefully less of an issue changing the tastes later on) and others go to 3 proper meals per day very very quickly - mine was one of these.  There's no problem with offering two or three meals from 6 months (I know you started a little earlier, we did too as I just couldn't stop him screaming for solids!).  I would prob hold off on snacks for several months, no harm in a taste of something you are having if it is healthy but otherwise I'd wait until several months when it's ok for the milk to drop a little before introducing regular snacks (these come at the mid morning and mid afternoon milk times, small snack and sippy cup of water or milk).  You just don't want the milk intake to drop too much at this stage.
With finger foods you can just give LO a piece of something you are having yourself, it might mean a change in the way you cook, for example not adding any salt to cooking water (beware of salt content of stock cubes and pre-pack food), no honey, whole nuts, sugar, eggs should be fully cooked - the regular 'rules'.  I would just give one or two pieces on her tray to begin with, not because you have to limit what she eats but because more than one thing can be a bit off putting and create a lot more mess than necessary.  So for example if you are having vegetables chop into batons/wedges rather than small cubes and steam them.  Batons (literally think 'finger') are easier for LO to grasp at this stage and also less of a choke hazard as they can keep hold of one end whilst they eat where as small cubes are harder to pick up and harder to manipulate around the mouth.  You can also serve up things like shepherds pie for LO to grab hand fulls of, so long as you don't mind a bit of mess.  You can even offer long strips of meat for her to gnaw on, you'd be amazed they can chomp through anything even with no teeth.
I started out with things like oven baked apple wedges, oven baked sweet potato wedges.
There are also some threads here:
Baby Food Recipes
finger foods and BLW threads

crescent moon and do-nut shapes are also easier to grasp for little hands so I used to chop fruit that way when possible.
Wheat is advised you don't give until LO is 6 months, but once she's there, fingers of toast, pitta bread, naan bread etc pasta.  you can spread toast with butter or use any purees you have already stocked up on.
Finger foods are also great for helping with the development of fine motor and the pincer grip and speech development as the muscles are worked through their food exploration.
Hope you have fun, I totally loved the whole weaning process. we did BLW, so no puree at all, some foods are naturally mushy, like humous which he ate in fist fulls or spread on pitta fingers.  I also offered LO some foods on a pre-loaded spoon or safe fork for him to take to his mouth himself but never fed him.

hth :)

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2013, 02:35:31 am »
wow!  So helpful. Thanks for taking the time to write this all out for me!

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 07:35:07 am »
No problem.  You'll soon be passing forward all your weaning experience and ideas :)

Offline amg11881

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 18:43:12 pm »
Ha!  Here's hoping!  Can you send the BLW thread again?  It didn't come through.  Thanks a million! 

Offline amg11881

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 18:43:44 pm »
Just kidding, I just found it.  Sorry about that:)

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 21:24:58 pm »
Glad you found it.
There's a BLW support thread too if you decide to go that way even though you started with traditional weaning.
Baby Led Weaning Support Thread #11

Offline amg11881

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 14:43:21 pm »
Hi again!
We're three weeks in to "solids" and she is still LOVING them.  When do I start giving her solids before BF rather than an hour after?  If I shouldn't make the shift now, when would you suggest I do that (roughly)?

Thanks!  You've been so helpful so far!

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2013, 10:12:05 am »
I never made that shift, many don't.  I would think the only time really that you would need to do this is if your LO was getting more towards the 1yo stage and still not interested in solids, the switch then would be more purposeful to ensure he is hungry enough to find an interest in solids because solids take preference over milk once they reach 1yo.
In a few months if you are happily established on 3 solid meals you might switch the mid morning or mid afternoon milk for a small healthy snack with a sippy of water instead of a bottle of milk - this is no rush yet for this though.  This will then quite naturally reduce the amount of milk a little whist keeping those E times for a snack.  At 1yo it is suggested all bottles are dropped but milk is still important so a sippy, straw or open cup of milk would be switch for the WU and BT milk.  Many keep those two bottles longer so it is personal choice balanced with ensuring teeth are brushed after the BT milk and that milk intake doesn't go either too low or remain too high.
You have plenty of time for all of this.  But that's what to expect.


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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2013, 22:00:56 pm »
Thanks!  Helpful as always!  I have been home with her today (I work part-time now) and noticed she hasn't really had a full feed from me.  I was nervous that it may be because she is liking solids so much (and maybe I should cut back--though I'm only doing it two times a day) but then she didn't really eat the solids today either.  Think it could be from teething that she is super un-interested in eating much (and has been super fussy for all of her naps...).  I think I just answered my question, but wondered your thoughts--always helpful to bounce ideas off people!

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Re: Is it important to start with 1-2tsp of solids?
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2013, 20:39:52 pm »
Yes teething is a great one to reduce appetite. I'd just give her anything she wants to eat (within reason, healthy but doesn't need to be quite so balance) and try to keep her comfortable (meds before nap and BT is needed).  Once the teething discomfort eases she'll make up the calories by taking on more than you expect.  It's really common to go off food then eat truck loads afterwards :)