We are pretty well at set naps now for the most part since he started daycare. The weekends are the exception but I think this weekend we will try to keep his routine consistent with daycare.
He went to 1 nap cold turkey when he started daycare about 3 weeks ago - so he was about a week shy of 13 months. Before daycare we bounced around so much between the long naps and CN...I honestly think that just going to 1 set nap cold turkey was for the best.
His routine now is:
WU 5:30 (but really anywhere from 4:45am - 6am)
6:30am - Breakfast
7:15am - Drop off @ daycare
9/9:30am - Snack
9-11:30am - Outside time (weather permitting)/other A time
11:30am - Lunch
12/12:30pm - Nap (Usually between 2 - 3hrs)
3pm - Snack
3-4:45pm - Outside time/other A time until I pick him up at 4:45
5/5:30pm - Dinner
6pm - Bath
7pm - Bed
His routine is the exact same every day. His nap is set at 12/12:30 at daycare. That's a loooong A time in the morning, but he has lots of stimulation to keep him going and he takes a good PM nap. You could set your nap a little earlier - it would be wonky with lunch, but if he can't handle that much of an A time an earlier nap would probably be better.
I feel a lot better now that we are on this routine
It would be something to consider trying if you are getting stressed about all the nap lengths and such. My daycare provider is also very big on giving the kids LOTS of outside time (especially in the morning), so I think that helps with the nice PM nap