Hi all, im new here found this site whilst looking for answers to my sons current behaviour.
He is 17 mths old and until last mon was breast fed to sleep and co-sleeping and waking 3-10 times a night.
we started sleep training, and ive also ceased breast feeding as he was only doing it for sleep/comfort.
He is currently now in a toddler bed in his own room. hes sleeps are getting much easier now and only waking 1-2 times a night with 4-5 hr intervals. great for me.
however since this training began he has gone from an overtired yet happy bubbly excitable child to a cranky, tired, violent, child with many meltdowns.
he has never sttn.
just wondering as these meltdowns seem to be telling me he is tired, and he seems to want to sleep within 2 hrs of waking up both in the morn and after a nap. shld i allow him to catch up sleep, or shld i stick to 2 naps a day.
i just want my happy boy back