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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2013, 08:24:00 am »
Or perhaps her wake time is considered 8:35 and I should put her for 11:15 nap?
Maybe I wasn't so clear in the way I said it, sorry. If LO's BT is 20 then the earliest you should "put up" with as a WU is 7, because an 11h night considers to be a good night sleep for a baby. Anything before 7 I would treat as an EW and do PU/PD. TBH, I wouldn't resort to feeding if you just recently stopped with NF because you are trying to teach her that there are no NF except for the middle of the night feed (if I got it right). Perhaps what you are seeing now is a regression or a protest for not having the NF that she is used to.
If you are trying to settle an EW and don't manage then I'd count that time as half A time, that way you'll know when to put her down for a nap.
I know that many parents want a late WU and think that putting LO relatively late to bed will give them that, but I don't know many parents who have a WU later than 8, TBH. I don't know where you are in the world, but for many babies sun, birds singing, daddy getting ready for work - these are all signs that the day starts, yk?
Oh sorry, and was told that during night wakings, if lo wakes b4 4 hr but doesn't fall asleep till after that- meaning it extends further, I should still not feed her till the next waking not to give lo a mssg that she will get fed if she cries long enough.. I feel so guilty for this morning. Shouldn't her night be 12 hrs?
Please don't feel guilty, we all are just doing the best we can. It's totally fine that you don't feed her and that you didn't feed at her 7ish.
Some babies sleep 12h at night, but some, like mine, only sleep 11h. Some will sleep 11:15, 11.5h... it so depends on the baby. What I am saying is that if LO slept 11h and wakes up then this wake up is not an EW, because the night was restorative enough.
More info that might be important: lo was weaned from paci Friday night when starting pu/pd so she is still looking for it...
Lo began cruising the past week-new milestone
Ok, these two factors can mess up with sleep big time. So even if your routine is great and there is nothing wrong with - these will still effect sleep and it's just things you need to wait out. Whenever she'll learn a new skill like crawling or walking you can expect sleep to be a bit messy.

So when should i expect lo to wake tomorrow morning to start the day?
I'm afraid I can't really answer that because of the CN. Once you drop the CN and introduce it again it can mess up with things big time, because then LO gets too much day sleep which can steal from her night sleep. I know it's not what you want to hear but IIWY I would have gone with a 19:30 BT instead of a CN.
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Offline Dreambaby08

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2013, 11:20:59 am »
Thanks. Abt the night feeds- lo luckily woke past few days only past the 4 hr mark so I could feed her right there w/o doing pu/pd. only time that was a problem was early morning.
Tuesday night lo woke twice to feed:
Then lo woke AGAIN before 6... Soothed her until 7:15.
Do you think that short catnap is contributing to these early wakings? A day before she just took a 30 & 40 mnt nap, then 5-10 mnts on st. I don't think that's too much daytime sleep, is it?
I'm just so overwhelmed by this. Why I did not want to put her down at 7 was bec. Waking will also be earlier for the next day, and with 2h40 mnt A time the day has to be cut shorter, so bt will haveto be even earlier..?? How do I work this? Should I just skip that last few mnt nap no matter what time lo wakes from nap #2 and put her for earlier bedtime?

Offline Dreambaby08

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2013, 15:12:30 pm »
please clarify: what do i need to do next time when lo wakes early but it's less than 4 hrs after the last feed, and I try to resettle her but with no success? Do I try to resettle till official wake up time and just take her out and feed her?

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2013, 07:06:17 am »
I would def not offer a CN and go with a bit earlier BT. The problem you are having now with her waking up earlier in the next morning is temporary because you are supposed to keep on pushing the A time so her day will be longer as well. Your day can look like this:
10-11:30 nap
14:30-16 nap
19:30 BT
And will get easier and easier when A is even higher than 3h. In the EASY sample I posted you can see that the last A is long, which is not ideal. So either you do BT at 19 and wait till her A time is higher to push BT later as well or you check if she can handle the 3.5h A time before BT. We used to have periods of longer A time before BT and it was ok.
what do i need to do next time when lo wakes early but it's less than 4 hrs after the last feed, and I try to resettle her but with no success? Do I try to resettle till official wake up time and just take her out and feed her?
I understand that you do PU/PD, right? So if she wakes up, lets' say, at 6 (and went to bed at 20, aiming for a 7WU) then I'd do PU/PD till 7 and then start the day and feed.
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Offline Dreambaby08

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2013, 01:58:23 am »
Thank you ISA for your wonderful advice! I will post the schedules of the past 2 days. Please comment where improvement is needed..

8:20 WU
8:30 feed
10:00 fruit
11:00 nap (took 5 mnts to settle) after 2h40m A time
11:45 woke. I helped resettle for 15 mnts till 12
1:00 woke & fed (nap #1 lasted 45m+1h)
2:30 cereal
3:40 nap (took 5 mnts to settle) after 2h40m A time
4:55 woke (nap #2 lasted 1h15m)
5:00 fed
7:15 half feeding
7:35 other half feeding & put to crib
8:10 asleep (settling took longer than expected. Planned on approx 7:45 bt)
10:30 woke till 11:30 finally asleep
11:50 woke again. Fed here
1:00 woke again. Settled for 20 mnts
Around 2 woke again... Settled for arnd 1/2 hr
(I was in a daze this night... Woke up in morning didnt remember details of the night... I think I fed her again somewhere it was prob around 4.?? ???)

8:30 woke
9:45 fruit
11:10 sleep (10 mnts of crying) after 2h40m A time
12:05 woke. (After 55 mnts sleeping) tried to resettle till 12:35. Lo had a short light sleep during this time.
So I rounded it to let's say she woke up 12:20.
(Nap #1 lasted 55 mnts)
12:35 fed
1:45 cereal
3:10 sleep (20 mnts of settling, expected 10 mnts of settling so it will be 1h40m from 12:20, turned out to be 1h50m since rounded wake time)
3:40 cried. Tried to resettle till 4:00 but gave up
(Nap #2 lasted 30 mnts)
4:15 fed
6:30 fed
6:50 asleep (5 mnts of soothing)
9:05 cried, took 3 mnts of soothing

1) what happened last night with all these wakings?
2) do you think lo is ready to increase her A time or should I give it another day/two of 1h40m? Today's 2nd nap was prob OT? Actually even with the 2h40m, she was not happy the last half hr or even more-I needed to hold her/carry arnd/take her to the window...just to push the time.
3) today I did early bt because last nap ended early. So I can expect tomorrow early waking too- anything from 6 am & on should be considered as starting the day & not EW ? What if she does sleep later, can I let her sleep past 8? Or a long night can ruin daytime naps?
4) how can I feel confident that she is not hungry with 4 hr feeding schedule? I used to feed her arnd 2-2.5 hrs... Her feedings were arnd 4 mnts so ws probably snacking. Now an avg feeding lasts around 7 mnts, may be up to 15 mnts... Is 6-7 mnts every 4 hrs enough to sustain her? when she decides to finish her feed she just arches her back & thats it for then. Solids were recently introduced, she is taking just 1-2 tsp at breakfast & lunch. Very often she comes to me, looks up at me, and begs...grabbing my skirt.. Making hmmm/hamm sounds. May continue to do so after picking her up.
Does she ask for food?? Or just making sounds not knowing what she's saying? I'm just worried bec lo was low birthweight, was gaining nicely but still rather to the lower percentile. I did not check her weight yet since I changed her feeding schedule. Exactly 4 weeks ago she was 12.13 lbs. was 5.7 at birth.

I appreciate your help!

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2013, 09:32:01 am »
It sounds to me like you need to keep on pushing those A times. Babies hate it when you do it and for a very long time I had to hold DS in my arms for the last 30min of his A time.
During the days you posted you DID have some OT because she doesn't get enough sleep in the morning and A time before BT was a tiny bit too long for her to handle. I think 3h before BT is just too much for her. If you push the other A times then it will make the last A time before bed shorter.
Your BT is early if you look at her WU in the morning, but if you look at her total day sleep and the A time she had before BT then it's not quite an EBT. The idea with EBT is not that the baby will WU the next day early as well, but that he catches up on sleep, yk?
If you do an EBT and get a WU that is earlier than she usually does then I would try and treat it as a NW and settle. You might succeed and might not ;).
Re the feeding, I always say that if there is a concern then check the weight and ask your ped. In general at her age feeding every 4h should be sufficient enough if she is getting full feeds. I didn't come across a baby who didn't cry when hungry.
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Offline Dreambaby08

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2013, 11:51:44 am »
Hooray!! Lo slept this night till 3:15 to feed...! And went back to sleep herself..
1 feed during the night! Then she woke up at 7. So she had a 12h15m night.
I guess I will start today to increase her A time to 2h50, and put her in crib at 9:40 to give her 10m to settle.. Hope all will go well the next few days. Thank you!

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Easy routine review
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 17:47:24 pm »
Yay! Hope it lasts!
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