Hi there,
my LO is 9.5 months and I am still dream feeding him at 1030pm (sometimes he wakes before, sometimes he doesn't). He is only in the 10th % and my doctor said to keep feeding him as I am. However, he eats solids three times a day now with snacks in between and he's a great little eater. I just think he's a thinner guy because I am and he's always been that way. He is EBF so I'm not 100% how much he has been getting from me, but he's never cried or fussed from hunger.
He sleeps through the night from 630pm-7am and I only feed him at 1030. I know the book says to drop the dream feed by 9 months, but he was still waking and seeming hungry at that time. He now is starting not to wake or stir and he's not as hungry it seems, but sort of lazily eating.
When is the best time to drop the dream feed and how should I go about it? the book says to wean down how much he has each night and bump up the dream feed time. Is this the best idea? All friends that I know who dream fed their Los just dropped the feed entirely one night and from then on there were no wake ups.