Hugs. Sounds so much like reflux discomfort. My first did this from 6-16 weeks and it was so hard!
Is your LO on reflux medication? - of not are you going to visit the dr/pead to see what can be given to help?
Are you bf or bottle? - feeding upright and keeping LO upright 20 mins after a feed?
If you haven't already really try to persevered with a paci. They really do help. I used to get Z to take it by dipping it in gripe water.
For now, do whatever works to get him to sleep. The link Erin gave has lots of good tips. What worked for us was paci in and between my armpit/breast and Zs face. Side on and lots of rocking or jiggling. Patting on the bottom to a heartbeat rhythm can help too. White noise and a dark room can help. A swaddle helped my second.
You can try side sleeping with a positioner. Reflux is often eased when sleeping on the left side. It the cot elevated?