Hi all,
Been having a few routine issues for weeks now and decided we may need some BW help.
We had a fab routine before and then had nap refusal for weeks on end. Now LJ is napping again, but we don't seem to be able to find a good routine where she is getting enough sleep and settling quickly at bt.
Our day today:
Wu 6am
Nap 1-3pm in car
Bt at 7.30pm, asleep by 8.15pm
LJ doesn't sleep in past 6am and sometimes does earlier mornings. She was having 5.20am wakings a week or so ago, but not sure that she is now. Tbh not sure if she is and I don't hear her. We have a gro clock and she doesn't shout until re sun comes up.
We've tried morning A times between 6 hours 15 mins and 7 hours. Generally she will nap 1 hour 10 or 1 hour 30 on a shorter A time and 2 hours on the longer ones. The problem is bt time too. 4 hours A seems to be too short - she is taking ages to settle at bt. Mostly will settle independently but just takes ages (up to an hour maybe, 2 hours the other night!!) longer A doesn't seem to help.
Always aimed for 13 hour day in past, but it's hard with the late naps and A needed before bt. If LJ has short naps she wakes up grizzly or even upset.
Found out today she has an ear infection, but the routine's been a mess for ages before this.
Any thoughts? Would really appreciate some xxx