I will try the second Easy for a few days. As for his naps, I was having an hour and quarter A time - and that seems to be pushing it at times. Should I try extending it? He actually seems ready at 1 hr A time, but I have been pushing to 1 and a quarter. He just falls asleep right on my shoulder without noticing sometimes. His cue is the nuzzle in the neck, and it is always at about 60-70 min. He is ready for nap by then.
I am having problems with transitioning him through the nap. He naps for 40ish minutes, then wakes up bright eyed for a few minutes, then starts aggressively trying to get out of his swaddle, then starts crying. I have to pick up or give him a soother, if the soother falls out it starts all over again. I have tried shh/pat laying down, he just keeps fitting the swaddle, and the cry gets angrier and he get very wound up. I can pick up shh/pat - but his eyes stay bright eyed open for 15 mins plus, and still can get very wound up. The soother seems to work the best, but is it a prop already?? Plus, the only way the soother stays in is if we hold it or balance it in with his swaddle somewhat. If we do get him back to sleep it is either with 15 min of his nap left, or if settled early, he tends to still wake up 15-30 min before the next feed.