Hi there, I think it sounds like you might have a prop issue with the paci/feeding to sleep. I think the best course of action would be to start resettling him at least at the 12/12:30am waking without feeding. Since he's had a full DF, you can be pretty sure he's not hungry at that waking. It may take awhile the first few nights, but he doesn't need a feed then. He may be hungry in the early morning still, especially as he wakes again after 15min if he does to back to sleep. So, I think it's ok to continue to feed at that one, even if it's just enough to get him til morning wake-up. You can gradually phase it out in the next month or so.
What is your feeling on the paci? Would you like to keep it? I do think it's a potential prop, but as it helps him get back to sleep for naps and since he's getting closer to an age where he will be able to replug himself, you can keep it if you want.
Your routine looks really good. Is he closer to 5mo or 6? The only thing I would suggest is that he probably needs a bit more A time before the second nap (closer to 2h15-30min) as that one is not always a full nap.
Does he show any reflux symptoms?
Reflux 101 - General reflux information. Just wondering if that has anything to do with his wanting to suck a lot/possibly comfort feed in the MOTN.