Author Topic: When S hasn't happened by 3 ish hours and its time for E  (Read 743 times)

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When S hasn't happened by 3 ish hours and its time for E
« on: June 30, 2013, 19:58:41 pm »
I have a 7 week old girl, Ruth.  We are new to EASY, only at it for the last 3 days.  (We discovered at 5.5 weeks she was tongue tied, which is why E was taking 60-90 min, had to procedure done and are getting on track with sleep and life now, at least trying to.  There are times when she shows sign of sleepiness after her A period, yawns and 7 mile stare that I put her down and within 45 ish min she is up again...usually has spit up, or has gas and she toots (like an old man, we can hear it outside her door sometimes).  Getting the gas to pass, or if she is overtired, getting her to calm some times takes the rest of the time for her sleep.  If she hasn't slept, do we then feed her at the 3 hour mark?  or, do we continue to try to calm her and get her to sleep?  And, if she has just fallen asleep, do we wake her (as advised by our pediatrician at 2 weeks to help her sort out day from night). 

We have had 2 days of minimal sleep (for her) from 7/8ish am till about 2pm...catnaps here and there, I worry she isnt getting sleep she needs.

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Re: When S hasn't happened by 3 ish hours and its time for E
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 20:26:37 pm »
Personally I wouldn't spend ages trying to resettle after a short nap, you'll know after 15-20 mins if she's likely to go back. Then you have the option to feed a little early (like at 2.5-2.75 hrs), or feed at 3hrs. If she's awake, definitely feed. If she's alseep, if it were me I'd likely let her sleep until 30-45 mins after her 'scheduled' feed time - as long as she's getting the right number of feeds per day.

What is her mood like? My daughter would sometimes do insanely long A times when she was tiny, and then big naps in between times. If you do her wind-down and put her in a dark room with some white noise at around the right time (based on A times by age (Average A times- BOOKMARK ME! ) she might drift off? With a bit of shush-pat to help? Even if she just lies there and stares at the dark, it's still more restfull than being 'up and about'.