Thanks Anna, making the room pitch dark really helped!!!
NIGHT 2 UPDATE: DS went down at this usual bedtime at about 8 pm. He gave in pretty quickly, after 7 minutes and 23 PDs he started to self settle himself and was completely asleep by 8:25pm. He woke up only 3 times last night
. Once, was as usual at 11pm at which point I gave him some milk since he had been on a semi hunger strike yesterday. Then he woke up at 2:45am and afte a couple PDs and patting, he was asleep. He then woke up for the day at 6AM bright and cheery!! I think he woke up once between 11pm and 2:45 but I was too sleepy to check the time and he resettled back in no time, so it was no big deal.
His typical day looks like this,
6AM- wake up for the day.
9:30-10:30/11AM- Nap 1 (It is usually only for an hour)
3:00-4:30- Nap 2 (If I am sitting next to him, he tends to go longer)
7PM: Start his bedtime routine.
8PM: He is in his crib, ready to sleep.
Do you think he is ready to make the transition to one nap? Or should I let things be just the way they are and concentrate on NWs first.
Thanks, I know this is a bit early in the process but it gives me a lot of hope!