My baby girl is 15 weeks old. We've been using EASY for about 3 weeks. Mostly it's going well, but sleeping is still tricky. I'm focused on making her naps longer and decreasing crazy night feed times. When she falls asleep around 8:00 she will wake at one of these times: 12:35, 2:35 or 4:35 for a night feed. So I'm starting to consistently implement a 11:00 dream feed with an 8:00 sleep time.
What I can't figure out is what is an ideal length of time for her to be on my breast? I'd rather not pump and bottle feed for my sake. (DH can't do it for me so its easiest for me to give her my breast.) She does latch and drink and does not wake up, so all good there, but she only stays on for about 10 minutes. Then that mouth is clamped shut (none of my cheek, back or hand rubbing will budge it open). Normally she eats well and aggressively for 20 minutes at each feeding.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Marnee/Sophie's Mom