At this age my DS2 did something like BFs at 7, 9.45, 2, 6.30/7 and solids at 8, 12 and 4.45. His naps were roughly 10-11.30 and 3-4.30. He wasn't eating much at the 8am solid meal so needed that earlier second BF of the day before his first nap.
My DS1 was doing BFs at 8, 12.30, 3.30 and 8 with solids around 9, 1.30 and 5. His naps were 11-12.30 and 3.45-5.15. He ate a big breakfast and could happily wait until after his first nap for the second BF. I started giving the third BF before his second nap because it was just too much to fit in BF, solids and another BF in that last A time and he wasn't taking the BT BF very well.
So I think it really depends on your LO and their naps and appetite for solid food. You do have to be a bit creative around this age I think.