Thanks everyone! I've been trying the always starting on the right thing - hopefully it will pay off eventually. I'll try the other suggestions as well. I was thinking about getting a hand pump for weekends since my pump is at work and it's too much to take back and forth on public transportation every day.
From early on both my boys preferred the right side. Then around 4-6 month G really started to dislike the left side. He would literally nurse for a minute or two and then we'd switch to the right. We did this until he was a year when I gave up on the left and he just nursed from the right until he was 2. Not sure if there's more I could have done, but it worked for us
I'd be so happy if I could get 1-2 minutes out of him :-) Right now I only get 10 seconds if I'm lucky, but I keep trying over and over. Curious though - when you only fed from one side, how much milk would you have? Did you have to supplement? When I pump (which does a better job of emptying than my son), I'm very lucky if I get 2 oz after 15 min of pumping on the right. The left side gives me 2-3 in about 6min, but I keep pumping that side as well in hopes that it will help. I know at 6 mo they should be drinking 6-8 oz per feeding 4-5 x per day. Were you able to produce enough for your LO?
It's really nice to know that I'm not the only one with this issue!!