Author Topic: 13 month old new EW and NW  (Read 861 times)

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Offline Ajustyna

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13 month old new EW and NW
« on: September 29, 2013, 17:53:45 pm »
Hi everyone.. I'm back :) I posted alot a few months ago.  My LO is just over 13 months and has been sleeping very nicely until recently.  I don't know if its time to readjust his schedule again but we need help!
Here is his schedule
Wake up - 6-6:20am (its getting earlier and earlier)
Eat bottle / breakfast
A Playtime + Snack
S Nap 11:15/11:30 - 1:00/1:30pm (waking up earlier and ealiera and definately tired earlier and earlier)

E Lunch  1:30-2:00
A Playtime
S 4:30-5:00 No second nap.. but i put him down in his crib with a bottle to relax

E Dinner 5:30
A Playtime
S Bedtime routine starts at 7pm and usually asleep between 7:30-8:00

He has been on one nap since about 11months. No new teeth since 8months old and I'm pretty sure he is currently teething (has 8 teeth right now). He eats very well and does not wake up hungry.  We are currently medicating before bed because he was waking up 5+ times a night and that seems to have helped.   Now he is waking up 1-2 times a night but goes back to sleep by himself or just with pacifier.     
He has a pacifier and likes to fall asleep with that and his blanket.  When he wakes at night he is capable of going back to sleep without it but usually prefers to have it.  Time to take it away??

I dont know if he is waking earlier because he is sleeping too much during the day? Or if its just a phase and it will pass. Should I move his nap later (he is exhausted by 11am) and give him lunch before the second nap? Is bedtime ok or should it be earlier? Please help.. I dont want him waking this earlier.  He used to (just 1.5-2 weeks ago) go to bed around 7:30 and sleep till aroud 7:30-8:00am.  His nap was also longer (11:15-1:30/2:00).. How do I go back to that??

Please help.. Im 7months pregnant and exhausted..

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 13 month old new EW and NW
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 12:19:27 pm »
bumping up x

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