My 29 month DS has always been a thrasher in his sleep. He's now in a BBB with a duvet as he has outgrown his sleeping bag and can vault out of his cot!
He wriggles out of his covers ALL THE TIME. Last night at one point he was sleeping sideways on his pillow, so I moved him back, then he ended up on top of the covers with his feet on the pillow nad his head down the other end.
Any tips on keeping him still while he sleeps? Naps are fine, it's just night time. I've tried turning the duvet sideways and tucking it in firmly, but that hasn't worked. I've tried puttin gon lots of layers so he won't be cold, but I think that makes him wriggle more. We have the bed surrounded now so he can't fall out but he still is waking cold because he's out of the duvet.