As a public health nurse please know we are not all crazy! It sounds like she is not a very good one though. Every baby is different, and there are always ranges for growth and development. I agree with what most people have said. A lot of babies are not eating that much solids by 7 months old. They are often still just learning how to eat, so there is no way he needs to be eating his solids not some what mashed if he is not ready. Her rationale about the milk makes absolutely no sense to me! If you have been giving him 4 bottles of 5 oz, that is 20oz in a day. If she is suggesting 3 bottles of 7 oz, then that is 21 oz in a day??? This is really the same amount, which will only stuff him full at one time, and possibly make him puke some back up! At the end of the day, I always tell parents what the average range is, then let them know that every baby is different and that you are the parents and need to do what is right for you and your family. Unless, it is harmful to the baby. He is drinking a fine amount of milk, and if he likes to eat solids...great! Don't stress about the texture. Eventually they will all eat solid foods that aren't mashed! You know him best. He may be on the bigger size for a 7 month old, but he was a big baby at birth. If he is following the growth curve, that is all that matters. As he gets more mobile his weight gain will slow down and he will thin out. Their weight gain decreases a lot around the 9 month mark. Please don't stress over this, he sounds perfectly healthy and happy to me. And as far as the bouncing him while holding him, that is just ridiculous! Many babies never crawl and go right to walking! It sounds like she needs some more education on growth and development! As far as the sleeping through the night, well, my 15.5 month old still gets up 2 times a night to nurse! Wonder what she would say about that!