I switched the BT bottle first, partly because I was giving the bottle after teeth brushing and it scared me that his teeth were covered in milk all night

Partly because his night nappies were soaking and he was getting wet pjs by morning and I thought moving the fluid intake earlier would help so he'd have a chance to wee some out before the night nappy went on (it worked). It was a very smooth ride, no upset or crying at all. I put in a supper time (after the evening meal but before going up for bath) of a snack with a sippy of milk. He didn't take much milk but had the solids too. Then at BT I reduced the milk in the bottle for a gradual wean and offered a second bottle (later a sippy) of water. It worked a treat.
We kept the morning bottle another month. I did try to change a couple of times but he wasn't happy - I think changing the morning was harder because he was very hungry and wanted the fastest easiest method of getting his milk in rather than faffing around with a cup. During that month I split the teats on the bottles and sat him more upright to drink. I tried him with a straw for the WU milk (still sitting upright on my knee with me holding it). The first couple of times he wasn't happy so I just put a teat back on the bottle, but within a month the bottle was gone. We continued with a straw milk at WU for about a year then switched to a sippy. He was fine with a sippy for water all day (then moving to open cup) and a sippy for his supper milk.
One other thing - I found out at his 2yo review that giving more fluids in the morning helps to increase bladder size and gradually lead to night time dryness (there is no limiting evening fluids but more fluids in the morning helps). I didn't know that when I made the switch and kept the large morning milk although there was something in my mind about not wanting to continue with a big milk drink just before bed but knowing we needed to keep a good size milk drink at some point in the day. Well, he had his first night dry at 25 months (and on and off since, mostly dry now).
hope our experience helps with some ideas for you